1. Find inspiration EVERYWHERE. 
Seriously, everywhere. Watching Disney+ for the fourth time today? See if you can pull a gospel message from whatever movie you’re watching. Frozen II helped me teach my kids about what it means to “do the next right thing”, regardless. Instead of just watching the movie, we paused it there and talked about it before continuing. Easy!
2. When negative circumstances arise, focus on the Savior.
Did your daughter fall down at the playground, or is your son struggling to make friends at school? You can reframe their situation and personalize the Atonement for your little ones by reminding them that the Savior knows exactly how it feels to scrape His knees or to feel alone. No problem is too trivial or small that Jesus Christ hasn’t already felt them or paid for them. Teach them that because our Savior knows how they feel, they don’t have to feel afraid or alone. 
3. Answer questions thoughtfully instead of rushing through.
Kids are naturally curious and are prone to asking lots and lots of questions! When gospel topics arise naturally (and sometimes they will), don’t hurry through the conversation. Recognize that you’ve been presented with a unique teaching opportunity and make the most of it. If you don’t know the answer, teach your children how to find the answer together.
4. Turn the tables and ask THEM questions!
Talking about the gospel shouldn’t just be for Sunday—and there are a lot of gospel conversation starters you could use! “What is something that Heavenly Father has blessed you with today?” “If you could serve a mission anywhere in the world, where would you go?” “When was a time when you’ve felt the Holy Ghost?” Or, if the current conversation isn’t inherently spiritual, you can ask questions to help get to a more spiritual train of thought, like “What do you think Jesus would do in that situation?”
5. And finally, bear your testimony. 
Don’t take for granted that your children already know you have a testimony. Tell them. President Dallin H. Oaks stated, “Those who have a testimony of the restored gospel also have a duty to share it…Our children should hear us bear our testimonies frequently.” When we bear our testimonies for our children, the Spirit will testify to them. Which will ultimately lead to even more gospel conversations!
- Alexis Harper


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